Friday, August 27, 2010

A Week in the Life of MY 3rd Grader!

Meet the Teacher Night
Logan and Erik
Breakfast of Champions
First Day of School
Brand New School ~ Brand New Year!
Mrs. Sanford & Logan
I'm Not Sure that Anyone Other than Myself & My Parents Ever Get to See this Side of Logan....
He Got to Choose Our Supper Location......Papacitas!  YUMMY!

I've Eaten Lunch with Logan Every Friday Since 1st Grade....
This is After Lunch-Waiting to Go into the Gym!
The first week was a total success!  Logan loves his teacher and says that 3rd grade days go by faster than his other grades!  I think that's a good thing. 
I can't believe that I have a 3rd grader.  Thinking back (a long time ago) - I remember 3rd grade being my favorite.  I hope that this will be that kind of year for Logan as well.
Hudson PEP doesn't play around....he had his first spelling test this week (He made a 105!) which included genre, illustrator, and other HARD words....he will soon surpass me in all his knowledge!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last Summer Hurrah!

I was able to take off work this past Wednesday and spend the day with Logan.  He chose to go to Splash Kingdom for our last summer hurrah!  We had a GREAT time.  Logan said, "I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way"!  He melted my heart!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Dare to be a Daniel"

First...I will admit that I STINK at using my camera. There are TOO many options for picture taking. All I want to do is point and click and have a PROFESSIONAL! looking picture. UGH! Hopefully you can see Logan in some of these pictures.
Today was the end of summer program at Oakland Heights. I was so impressed that they took the time to learn and perform this musical. I'm blessed that Logan is able to attend after-school care and summer at OHBC. Logan did not have a part in the play because 1. He was out for most of the weeks leading up to the performance and 2. He doesn't do parts!
As I was sitting and listening & watching these children perform I began thinking.
Children are gifts from God.
I love my son.
I am thankful that God chose ME to be Logan's mommy.
What a HUGE responsibility parenting is.
I find myself overwhelmed, at times, with single-motherhood.
I wish I could be a Stay-at-Home Mom (most days!).
I am thankful for my wonderful boss that allows me the time to be at ALL of Logan's programs/parties/etc.
I am thankful for parents that love Logan and me - UNCONDITIONALLY!
I have really great friends.
The Lord sent His son to die on the cross for ME.
If I could choose anyone to change places with...I wouldn't.
I overthink - yes, I know!
I sometimes wonder if I love Logan, as much as I do, because I wanted him so badly. I knew I would never be able to "have" my own child and there was never a guarantee that I would have an "adopted" child. Logan truly IS a gift (if you don't believe this - go back and read my 1st post!)! I'm sure I don't love Logan anymore than any other parent and I'm sure I don't cherish everything as I should but there's no doubt that when I look at Logan I see Jesus and I am thankful for that.

Ephesians 1:5 He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—

Saturday, August 7, 2010

He's Home!

Welcoming Campers to Closing Ceremonies

Waiting on Their Cabin "Awards"

Last Picture with Pajamas!

Well, Logan is home. Safe & Sound. Tired. Cuddly. Dirty!
To my surprise he actually smiled when he saw me (instead of frowning like last year) but didn't want a hug when anyone was looking. I can live with that, at least I got a smile!
I LOVE Pine Cove.
I would highly recommend it to any parent/child that is able to go (even though the separation is bittersweet...but in the end - worth it). If the week the children are there is as full of the Spirit as it is during Closing Ceremonies, I can certainly understand the children's tears upon leaving.
When I think of Logan growing up and wonder what he will be when he "grows-up" I can't help but believe that as long as he is a Godly Man everything else is secondary. My prayer for Logan is that he falls in love with the Lord more everyday. What could be better than saying your child is sold out for the Lord?
Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

(And in my case.....Mother)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Portraits at Pine Cove

Rip Raging Roaring Twenties NightLogan & Pajamas
Logan & His Cabin Buddies

Logan is still looking happy! The first picture was from their theme night last night and the other two are their (portrait) pictures from Sunday. I get to see Logan in person tomorrow and I can't wait! I have to say that the week went faster than I thought it would - partly because I've been sick nearly the whole time he has been gone. Perfect timing - I suppose.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday at Pine Cove

Friday's Theme Night Swimsuit and Sunday's Shirt??
Where's Waldo?

Well, it looks like Logan is happy and that makes me happy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So Far ~ So Good

I love that Pine Cove posts pics of their campers. I go online FIRST THING each morning to see if I can find my Little Man. So far I've only found two pictures but it looks like he's having fun!

It appears that these are from Sunday.....the Hip Happening Hidden Holiday Theme Night!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Academy and Their Everyday Prices

Yes, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic with Logan being at camp and all!

I took Logan school shopping last week to purchase his uniforms and let him pick out his new school shoes. The uniforms were easy.....the shoes....NOT so much!

He walked up and down the shoe aisle looking at all the shoes - and prices.

Now, I do not discuss our financial matters with him. I don't think that should be a concern for an eight year old little boy. I have however, for a LONG time, given him money for certain things and helped him divide it into 3 parts (10% tithe, 50% savings, and 40% for him) but as far as putting financial burden on him - I do not.

So - back to the shoes.....he found a pair of shoes that he really liked (and I liked too)! I could see him hesitating as he picked the shoes up and admired them and put them back. He finally settled on a $9.99 pair of shoes. I knew those were not the shoes he wanted so I asked him why he chose those. He said that they were only $9.99 and felt I could afford those better than the ones he wanted. I told him to please pick the shoes he wanted and not worry about the cost and he asked if I was sure. Of course, I said....yes (only because he never goes too overboard!). He went back to the pair that he had picked up several times and admired and said....these are the ones I like but they are $00.00 Everyday! I said, "ok, let's get them". He was still very concerned that they were a good choice and if I really approved. He then wanted to know why their pricetag had an exclamation point behind it ($00.00 Everyday!) because he did NOT think that $00.00 EVERYDAY was a good deal. It then dawned on me that he thought I would have to pay THAT AMOUNT EVERYDAY!!! I couldn't help but burst out laughing!! He didn't understand my laughter....I had to explain to him that the "EVERYDAY" meant that it wasn't a "Sale" Price!! My sweet~sensitive son was concerned that we would go broke paying that amount EVERYDAY.


I love my Little Man!

((I realize that only a mother will appreciate this story.))

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pine Cove Drop Off 2010, Week 10

Logan's "Hip Happening Hidden Holiday" Theme Shirt......Designed by LOGAN!
(One of Six Theme Nights)Mimi & Logan at His Choice of Restaurants.....McDonaldsMy Little ManPatiently Waiting on the Gates to Open....Under a Nice Shade Tree!A Special VisitorPAJAMAS......Logan's Counselor
He "happened" to be the one that ran with our car. God is good!Caspian 2.....Logan's Home for the WeekLogan's is the Top Bunk

He's Ready to go Take His Swim Test!

A Few of Their Cool Inflatables!
Today was one of the days I've been dreading and looking forward to for a YEAR. Logan is at camp. This is his second year to go to Pine Cove and I do believe it was harder at drop-off this year than last. It's ONLY because I know the Lord loves Logan more than I do that I was able to drop him off with 100's of strangers. He was excited and that's good enough for me! I told myself early on that I would not be THAT parent that held on too tightly to their child and so far I've done fairly well. I want Logan to have the confidence to try new things and KNOW that he CAN accomplish them. It's a BIG deal (to me) that he has gone to camp two years in a row without knowing ONE person. I pray that he stays healthy, hydrated, and actually eats while there. I pray he has the sweetest dreams each night and has more fun during the day/evening than he has had all summer. And most importantly, I pray that his walk with the Lord is strengthened and grows to a new level. It also helps to know that we are both looking at the same moon. I will be counting down the hours til I pick him up! (9 a.m. Saturday morning)