Little Man is NINE!
Where do the YEARS go?
This year I decided that we weren't going to have a HUGE party like we have the past eight years. I thought something much smaller would be better so Logan invited NINE friends to SLEEPOVER (I know, WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?). Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better group of boys. I am ALMOST ready to do it again!
We had a campfire (supervised by dad, Mr. Phillip, Mrs. Vikki, & Jackie ~ thank yall!) where we cooked hot dogs and smores ~ we had plenty of chips, plenty of drinks, and yummy cookie cake (with the coolest #9 sparkler candle). We had activities going on everywhere ~ outside we had acrobats on the trampoline, skateboarders, bike riders, runners and inside we had video games going on three different tv's plus the DS's and DSi's that were brought! (Thank you for the trampoline supervision Carly!) (Thank you Mom for saving the night and running into town and purchasing the correct controller for the XBox and thank you Lara & Shannon for sticking around and helping inside.) (And thank you to all that came ~ adults & children ~ that made Logan's birthday so special.)
Around midnight, when I couldn't go any longer I coaxed all the boys to the living room so we could watch How To Train a Dragon. I just knew that laying down would get the boys calmed and ready to sleep but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - I had to coax them to sleep....around 2 a.m. I got a really good nights sleep - until they were ready to go again at 6:30 a.m. Oh boy! To be NINE again!
Monday, Logan's actual birthday, I took cookies to his class for his classmates to enjoy. I'm so thankful that Hudson PEP allows us to do such a thing! And, to top the day off, Logan was treated to Papacita's for supper. The staff sang to him and he wasn't so sure what to think about that ~ he was a bit embarrassed!
All in all I believe that this years celebration was a success!