Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

I am so blessed to have my MawMaw to celebrate holidays with.  She is the only grandparent I have left and I treasure her!  She was a mere THIRTY-EIGHT years old when I was enough to be my mom.  She has been my best-friend my entire life. 

I hope one day Logan will realize how blessed he is to still have both his WONDERFUL grandparents and his Great GrandMawMaw!  He was also blessed to meet his other Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.  I only wish he had met my PawPaw (his Great GrandPawPaw).  One day he will.
**I had to set the camera timer to get the pictures of all 4 of us.  I'm sorry for the lack of quality!**

~Four Generations~
Mom, Logan, MawMaw, Me
I asked them to pretend like they loved each other.....okay!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

We met at Papacita's for my MOM's birthday!
I absolutely LOVE their chips and we enjoy dining on their patio.
Little did my mom know that I invited some of her oldest (and I mean long-time friends!) friends.
She was surprised!

I am so thankful for the example of strength and perseverance my mom is to me - I'm blessed to call her mom!

My Beautiful Mom & Handsome Little Man

Ok....not sure what THAT face is for!

Logan & Jackson

Silly Boys!

Friends For Years

Logan ALWAYS picks the cutest cards!
This one sings!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cupcakes at PEP

For Logan's birthday I took cupcakes to share with his class. 
Always a BIG Hit!
The teachers let the parents come at the end of the day, so they can fill them with sugar and send them home!
SMART.....Very Smart!
My 10 Year Old!

Notice - He chose Halloween cupcakes!
The class was singing Happy Birthday to Logan....
or rather SCREAMING Happy Birthday to him!

The Class made a group birthday card....very sweet!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday Logan!

Logan celebrated his 10th Birthday
Saturday, October 15th
LazerX in Longview.

It was soooo fun!

(I need to brag - we played three games and guess who came in FIRST on the 1st game?
Yes sir!  That would be ME!!  I was SO PROUD.
That was my 1st mistake......Pride comes before the Fall!
I wasn't so lucky the 2nd & 3rd game!)

Logan has reached double digits - where does the time go?

The Crew

He wanted a "Halloween" birthday cake! 
As a matter of fact, he wanted Happy Halloween written on his cake.
Being the Hard Head I am, I said NO.  I'm still disappointed with myself for that decision.
What would it have hurt?  It was HIS birthday!

Just a cool pic!

Mom & Colton
(Colton is the son of 2 of my best friends....I've known his mom since I was 3 and his dad since I was about 5 or 6.  Watching Colton grow makes me proud!)

Having a Dance-Off!  I Stunk!

The Candles Kept Re-lighting???!!!???

A GREAT time was had by all......until next year......