Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Good Day to Fly a Kite

My sweet boss has been telling me about a kite he has and would like Logan to fly.  He knew that it was going to be extra windy today so he brought it to work with him! .....AND let me off early to make sure we would have time to fly it. 

We flew it until it got too dark to see. 
It's the small things.....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

And - I Said......


First, I apologize for the poor quality of the photo.  It's a cellphone picture and I haven't taken one with the camera ~ so this is as good as it gets until you see it in person!  
It is beautiful!!

Our Story in a Nutshell:  We met nearly 5 years ago and started dating soon afterwards.  Darin was Logan's baseball coach and the father to Logan's best buddy at the time.  Jackson & Logan attended Oak Forest Montessori school together from about 18 months old until Logan switched school when he began Pre-K.  Darin and I never met during that time; however, I remember seeing him there one day and thinking "oh my goodness, what a handsome man!....he doesn't remember ever seeing me:(  Logan & Jackson attended each others birthday parties and spoke about one another often and still we never met during that time.

When I found out the name of Logan's baseball coach I was excited for Logan....never dreaming how it would turn out!  Our first date was after the season ended and as the saying goes....THE REST IS HISTORY.  Well, not quite.....

We dated for a couple of years and then took several months off....the hardest few months I'd had in a LONG time.  We (he!) finally came to our senses and here we are!   

The proposal on Christmas Eve came as a surprise. 

Prayers are appreciated. 
I know that if the Lord is not the Lord of our home it will crumble.  

I will soon have a family of FOUR!  
I am excited and nervous.

Life is an adventure!

Calvary Children's Christmas Party

I am so blessed to be a part of a church that loves children.  I adore my Children's Minister and his wife Mrs. Vikki.....because their heart for Jesus is so obvious.  Here is just a glimpse of the FUN night we had!

Singing Christmas Carols at the Pine Tree Nursing Home
The Residents love it!

Handing out Christmas Cards

Discussing How to Decorate the (Human) Christmas Tree!

The Boys - Discussing how to decoroate their (human) Christmas Tree!

Crazy Leaders - Stacy & Jackie

Mrs. Vikki

Mr. Larry ~ The WINNER ~
((ONLY because the boys wrote "MERRY CHRISTMAS" on his forehead!))

Deep Discussion?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a PEP Christmas!

Good Food, Great Friends, Silliness, and a story about JESUS (in a public school) made for a great party day at PEP!  ......followed by 2 wonderful weeks off!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My 40th.....

Good Golly - 40 - it use to sound so old!

My birthday was spent in Hot Springs!  It was a surprise getaway weekend and it couldn't have been better!  
I didn't know where we were going until I was in the car.  This wasn't easy on Darin, I'm sure, because I kept asking questions:  what kind of clothes do I take, shoes, how long of a drive, north/south/east/west, etc.....!  He kept the secret well!

Good food, great company, a hot springs bath & a massage.....what more could a girl ask for! 

He MADE me wear this shirt;)

We stayed at this hotel!  
If you've never been there - I HIGHLY recommend it.
It has a bath house in it which makes it very convenient! 

 Cheesy?  Maybe.....but I love wax museums.  Darin was a great sport and took me to this one!

We spent some time walking Bath House Row.  
I loved looking at the beautiful!

The Beginning of Our Saturday Morning Hike
(I was NOT told to bring tennie shoes but I survived!)

It's not easy doing self portraits!  Glad no one was filming my skills.

Steam Rising

After our hike we went window shopping!
If you know Darin, you know by looking at this pic, that he was a GREAT sport the whole weekend!

We visited this cupcake shoppe.  WOW!  The BEST cupcakes EVER!
I can tell you - the name says it all - if I lived there my bottom would definitely be FATTER!!

I just loved the rock.  Picture doesn't do it justice!    

I did not want to come home:(  I did want to see my Little Man though!
He is THE best present picker out'er.
My mom said he spent A LOT of time picking out the perfect jewelry for me.  
What do you think?

He's going to make another lady very happy one day!

But, for now, he's ALL MINE!

My 40th was full of adventure and blessings