Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lego Robotics

See Logan on the news by clicking the link above!

Logan attended LeTourneau University's Lego Robotics camp last week and had a blast.  He was filmed quite a bit on Friday because the robot he and his partner made kept winning the competition!  The filming done on the robot was Logan's 'bot as well!
I'm SUPER proud!
He had a blast!

He is going to attend Lego Engineers:  Powered Machines and Space Camp/Rocket Science in a couple of weeks.  I love the camps because they aren't only fun but educational as well!

Happy Summer!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Welcome to the Family...

After our devastating loss this week, Logan decided to get a new pet - not to replace Romeo but to help us heal.  He thought it would be a good idea to adopt a pet and save a life.  So, that's just what we did.

We visited the Humane Society of Northeast Texas.  Logan knew he wanted another small dog (but not a chihuahua that looked like Romeo) but wasn't sure what kind or what they would have available.  He was immediately drawn to, Shammie, the filthiest and scruffiest dog in the place!  She had just been placed on the available list.....

They have a playroom where you can take the dogs to checkout their personalities, play with them, & fall in love with them (they know what they're doing!) - so, we did.

Since it's going to be four of us soon, I had to get permission to add another dog to the mix.  Thankfully, Darin was very much okay with the idea.  (He had already thought about surprising me with a dog.)   So, I filled out the paperwork, waited on pins and needles for adoption approval, paid my fee, and we were out of there.  

I drove straight to the store to buy TRIXIE-BELLE a new bed and Dawn dish detergent (because of it's powerful flea killing power!).

Trixie has proven to be an excellent addition to our family.  She is 1 year to 1 1/2 years old, healthy ~ all 5.4lbs of her ~ loving, devoted (to Logan), smart, and HOUSE-TRAINED (shewwww).  She is already spoiled and knows it!  She's the perfect lap-dog but also loves to play.  

Sweet Taz ~ he is so accepting of any animal!

Logan, TrixieBelle, Sandy (my dads dog) & Brutus (my dads brand new dog)

I think Logan will have a good summer after all.


I can't believe another school year has passed.  Where did the time go?  I truly believe that since Logan started Kindergarten time has started going faster.   

Logan did exceptional in school this year.  He was blessed with brains.  There were many nights I would have to ask for help with his 4th grade math homework while checking it.  9 times out of 10 he had it correct!  Logan was blessed with teachers that spoke of the Lord often - which touched me because of the public school system.  

His class mascot was the Eagle and I thought that was so appropriate:

Isaiah 40:31: but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 


First Day of School:


Last Day of School:

Mrs. Easterling looking at her scrapbook I made for her - from the class.  Each student wrote Mrs. Easterling a letter or made a card.  It was very special!

Mrs. Easterling (Homeroom, Math & Science Teacher)

Mrs. Campbell (Reading, Writing, Social Studies & Texas History Teacher)

Anna, Emily, & Logan ~ they have been together since Kindergarten!

((On a side note:  I can't believe I'VE been in school since Logan was in Kindergarten.  Dang!  I should be a doctor by now!  Thankfully, I only have one year left!!  I will never be able to thank my boss, Dr. Ross, enough for allowing me the opportunity to continue my education and dream.  I started off slow but for the past 2 years I've been going FULL FORCE!))

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Field Day

You can always tell it's close to the last day of school when 
Field Day comes around!