I'm sitting here all alone - with nothing to do....
Logan left on a mini-vacation with my dad (Papaw)
first thing this morning.
I have to admit that I am a wee bit nervous about this trip.
Logan has tried spending the night with my dad before
has never made it past midnight:(
He is 7 hours away for TWO nights.....
he is going to have to "make it".
I don't know who I feel most sorry for
(if Logan gets homesick)
my dad or Logan.
I also don't know who was more excited -
my dad or Logan.
My dad invited me to go, as a last thought,
I know he was just trying to be nice.
He didn't want me to go - he wanted Logan all to himself.
Logan called me about 10:30 a.m. this morning to tell me that
he had just spotted an ANT EATER!!
He said, "Mommy, I just saw an ant eater.
Papaw said it was a deer but it had antlers
they were pointed to the ground
trying to eat ants so it must have been an ant eater."
What a weekend they are going to have!!
It's been a LONG time since I've gone a day
not been with Logan.
Even when he stays with my mom for the weekend I go and visit.
I'm just beside myself!
We went to Meet the Teacher last night.
Logan will be attending Hudson PEP
for the next 5 years and after last night
I think this was a good choice.
I have asked at least 100 people (w/o exaggerating)
what they think of Hudson PEP
I can't find anyone
has a negative thing to say about it.
That is a relief.
It is so BIG compared to PCC.
Alittle overwhelming.
We had to stand in line to get school supplies....
we had to stand in line to get t-shirts,
we had to stand in line to put money
in his cafeteria account,
we had to stand in line to meet the teacher
(our room was so WILD),
we had to stand in line for EVERYTHING
it seemed like.
Logan has a locker -
you would think someone gave him $1000.
He has 2 people from his Kindergarten class
in his First Grade Class (makes me feel better).
He was walking the halls like he knew what he was doing.
I just watched - amazed. He is growing so quickly.
It just feels like my heart is being ripped out at times.
He told me he didn't want me to walk him in -
not even the first day.
I thought I was going to die....
thank goodness he changed his mind!
He gave me permission to walk him in on
THE FIRST DAY ONLY....yeah, right!
(The teacher just "happened" to tell me that
I could walk him in the First WEEK...woohoo).
Okay, I promise pictures within a week.
I will add Darin's b'day party pics
Lo & Papaw vacation pics
(I sent my camera with them).
Logan and I both start back to school on Monday
so it will be a hectic week. But I will try to get the
pictures on ASAP.
Oh yeah, Logan gets to test for his next belt in
Taekwondo on Tuesday...
I'll have those pictures too!
Hold your children all you can - they won't want you to forever.
Many Blessings!
1 comment:
I can't wait to see the pictures of Logan's first day of school! Noah starts his first day at the Montessori school tomorrow...very exciting!!
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