Sunday, May 16, 2010

Field Day 2010

I love Hudson PEP's field day! It is a couple of hours of pure fun and games. We are located at a temporary campus (and have been for two years), while our brand new school is being built, and we do not have room for field day there. A family was generous enough to lend their land to us for the day. The weather was perfect! I was blessed to be able to spend the day, with Logan, doing something FUN!
Arriving for Field Day....Each class is dressed in "their" colors!

Yes! He's Cute!

Their team filled their bottle up first! Cute game!

Tug-of-War??? I was just hoping someone didn't pull their arm out of socket.

Ready - Set - Slide!

Blind-Folded Squirt/Hide-&-Go Seek

Mud Limbo!

This game was HARD to understand..for the parents! The children got it right away.

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